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아이싱쿠키 지도사1급-아트반(Art course)
1 Week
(Pattern Embossing cookie)
오버엠보싱 기법
(Over-embossing technique)
애플 블러썸꽃짜기
(Apple Blossom Weaving)
2 Week
레이스쿠키 (Lace cookie)
부엉이 (Owl)
오버엠보싱 기법
(Over-embossing technique)
나무표현 (Tree expression)
3 Week
꽃바구니 (Flower Basket)​
곰바구니 (Bear Basket)​
장미 짜기 (Weaving roses)
수국 표현기법 (Hudrangea technique)
바구니짜기 (Basket weaving)
4 Week
(Bling-bling Cookie)
아트반에서 배운 기법과
꽃 어레인지
(Art class technique and flower arrangement)
나만의 쿠키틀
(Cookie cutter)
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